Nettigo Air Monitor (KIT 0.3.3 PRO SHT/BMP language PL) - Build your own smog sensor!

Weight: Help
529 g

Version NAM 0.3.3

Kit to solder, includes Wemos with Polish Firmware (can be changed after configuration). Includes SHT31/BMP180 instead of BME280. Has external WiFi antenna.

On stock: : n/a

PLN 369,00
PLN 300,00 w/o VAT
EUR 88,92
EUR 72,29 w/o VAT

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Tags: NAM, luftdaten, pm2.5, pm10

This is SHT/BMP version. Select it ONLY if kit versions with BME280 are not available. BMP180 used as pressure sensor is much worse than one in BME280.

This KIT requires soldering and basic manual skills. Before assembly you should know how to solder and use screwdriver.

What's the deal with NAM sensor

NAM sensor is based on Sensor.Community (Luftadten) project. Thus Your sensor automatically will send data to Sensor.Community sensor network. It has better case and it is soldered on dedicated PCB. No more data loss due to faulty jumper wire. And, in our opinion most important difference: heating chamber with automatic air conditioning to keep relative humidity below 70%. Why it is so important?

This figure shows PM10 readings from two SDS011 based sensors with RH close to 100%. One is equipped with heating chamber (green line) and one is not (yellow line). Without heating and control element in RH higher than 70% You can observe condensation. With this process water and dust particles combine making more and bigger objects. Optical sensors can return readings few times higher when condensation phenomenon is present.

Version PRO with external antenna

This is version NAM 0.3.3 PRO - it has Wemos D1 mini PRO. It has connector to external antenna (pigtail and antenna are included). With external antenna module has better WiFi range - in other words can be placed in bigger distance from WiFi Access Point (compared to version NAM 0.3.3 STD)) and will work better in environments with many WiFi networks.

WARNING Wemos D1 mini Pro has internal ceramic antenna, which is enabled by default. To activate external antenna You have to solder SMD jumper. This a bit harder task than soldering THT elements (all other components in NAM are THT kind). You can check with soldering instructions what You have to do, to enable external antenna.

There is always other option - buy NAM 0.3.3 PRO already soldered.


From some time there is no BME280 on market. As such we had to incorporate changes in our kits. So, instead BME280, we use two sensors. Sensirion SHT31 is precise temperature and humidity sensor. It should be mounted where BME280 was placed in older kits. Second sensor (Bosch BMP180) will measure pressure. BMP180 module should be placed inside of NAM case. Vent holes are big enough to provide equal pressure inside and outside case.

This is only difference between previous NAM 0.3.3 PRO PL. When BME280 will be available again we will use it in future kits again.

Set includes:


NAM 0.3 STD (embedded WiFi antenna)
NAM 0.3 - PRO (external WiFi antena)
NAM 0.3 - parts and accessories:
Power accessories for NAM