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HECA heats the air before it reaches the dust sensor. In this way, high humidity does not affect the measurements.
On stock:
HECA - kit built with SHT30 sensor (protected with membrane against pollution). SHT30 is precise temperature & humidity sensor. Using its programmable ALERT pin we can power PTC heater element, which heat air. That lowers relative humidity and provides optical dust sensors with air with RH below 70% - that keeps readings much more accurate. Also, during winter keep air temperature over required -10°C by SDS011.
Kit includes case from hydraulic elements. Maybe they are not very pretty, but they do required job. If You want to use this kit in own project, You may need some technical hose.
NAM 0.3 STD (embedded WiFi antenna)
NAM 0.3 - PRO (external WiFi antena)
NAM 0.3 - parts and accessories:
Power accessories for NAM
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