Once, twice in month we will send You info about new products, products on sale and news from Arduino and DIY world.
Small development board build on efficient ARM Cortex M0+ and LoRa radio! Build in solar and lithium battery energy management system. Arduino compatible!
BBC micro:bit module based on 32-bit ARM Cortex M0 procesor. Board contains accelerometer, LED 5x5 matrix and Bluetooth connectivity.
Small, pin compatible with other nRF24L01 modules. PCB antenna + IP.X. Can be soldered as SMD.
Great LoRa board (SX1276) with ESP32. Great for low power IoT, LoRaWAN applications (≤30 µA in deep sleep)
Test module for analog servos.
Small reflective sensor, used as line edge detection sensor for linefollowers. Has both analog and digital output.
Minimalist e-textiles kit for beginner.
Battery holder, 2 R6 (AA) batteries, no wires just solder pads
Digital temperature sensor with DS18B20 with OneWire interface
Mega 2560 - plenty I/O, CH340 as USB/Serial converter
Clone Arduino UNO R3, ATmega328 SMD, CH340
Simple power cable.
Digital temperature sensor compatible with DS18B20, TO92 package
Cable 26AWG, 3 wires, 18 cm, XH2.54 connector
Do You want use NAM as some development platform? Or build some new extension for it? This PCB will make it much easier!
IDC16 THT male, for PCB.
Joystick shield - all You need regarding game inputs for Arduino.
Joystick shield - all You need regarding game inputs for Arduino.
Set includes 30pcs of LEDs. 10 pcs of each color
MAX7219 for rescue when You need to display some text from Arduino. Soldered, mounted - ready to work. Vivid blue LEDs 8x32.
Nice development board based on ESP32 with LoRa and OLED screen.
Breadboard - small, 170 tie points, one terminal strip. Fits onto Arduino.
Breadboard - small, 170 tie points, one terminal strip. Fits onto Arduino.
Breadboard - small, 170 tie points, one terminal strip. Fits onto Arduino.
Breadboard - small, 170 tie points, one terminal strip. Fits onto Arduino.
Breadboard - small, 170 tie points, one terminal strip. Fits onto Arduino.
Digital temperature sensor DS18B20 with OneWire interface. Waterproof case (30 mm), cable 50 cm, XH2.54 3P connector.
CO2 sensor, UART interface, range 0-2000 ppm
Small PCB, adapter for CO2 sensors.
Transparent tube. 6 mm inside diameter.
Once, twice in month we will send You info about new products, products on sale and news from Arduino and DIY world.