Once, twice in month we will send You info about new products, products on sale and news from Arduino and DIY world.
A small module with 3 axis accelerometer. Easy hookup with an Arduino (analog output). ±3g measurement range.
Thermal Printer with RS232 and USB interface - connecting to Rasberry Pi is easy.
High precision laser air quality sensor with USB connection
HX711 sensor module
Universal board (stripboard), dimensions 93 mm x 110 mm, raster 2.54 mm
Proto shield for Arduino boards. Ready to use, soldered. As a bonus, You get small breadboard. You can prototype with wires on the breadboard and then get similar circuit soldered on proto board directly.
Constant voltage power supply designed for LED lighting.
Small, compact - BMP180 - digital atmospheric pressure and temperature sensor. No matter if You are building weather station or drone this sensor will be handy. I2C interface and low power consumption (as low as 5 µA in standard mode and 0.1 µA in standby mode) make them a good choice for Your application.
Hook up wire, 0.35 mm2, cord
Goldpin adapter for ESP-32S and ESP-WROOM-32 modules.
Provides remote 8-bit I/O port on I2C bus. The package is DIP16
DC TT motor with 1:48 plastic gearbox
Small module with WiFi on board lets You connect Arduino to Internet. But theres a lot more! This tinny board can work as standalone microcontroller with WiFi connectivity and 9 GPIO!
Flash 4MB, module from AI Thinker
TLC5940 as SMD chip, 16 channels of PWM
Perfect servo for continuous movement
WiFi module with ESP8266-12F. Easy programming via USB.
Connecting logic analyzer to circuit never was so easy!
ESP-12F is a small module with WiFi on board lets You connect Arduino to Internet. But theres a lot more! This tinny board can work as standalone microcontroller with WiFi connectivity and 11 GPIO!
Set of 5 electrolytic capacitors 470 µF/35V, THT
Set of 5 electrolytic capacitors 100 µF/35V, THT
Set of 5 electrolytic capacitors 10 µF/50V, THT
Build your own Arduino shield!
GSM/GPRS module with two antennas. Supports SMS, GPRS, voice calls.
8-channel Logic Analyzer, 24MHz, working with Saleae’s software
Relay module, single channel, 12V. Optocoupler. High/low level trigger.
Relay module, 2 channels, 12V. Optocoupler. High/low level trigger.
Once, twice in month we will send You info about new products, products on sale and news from Arduino and DIY world.