10 DOF module MPU9250 + BMP280

Weight: Help
3 g

Gyro, Accelerometer, digital Compass and pressure sensor in one small module!

On stock: Help 20

PLN 69,00
PLN 56,10 w/o VAT
EUR 16,63
EUR 13,52 w/o VAT
How many Discount Price per piece
with VAT, in PLN
1 69,00
5+ 8,00 % 63,48
10+ 12,00 % 60,73
25+ 16,00 % 57,96
100+ 20,00 % 55,20
Quantity discounts does not sum with other discounts

Finally, they are back! For long time on market there were modules with MPU6050 instead MPU9250. Our modules have magnetometer (this sensor is difference between MPU9250 and MPU6050), so it should be finally MPU9250. We don’t use them by ourselves to be 100% sure that these are original MPU9250, but supplier says they are. At least they work with MPU9250 libs and show some reasonable data from magnetometer.

Small yet clever!

This tiny 10-DOF sensor module is one of the smallest 10DOF sensors on market. The module uses combination of single chip InvenSense MPU-9250 with built-in 3 axis Gyro, 3 axis Accelerometer, digital Compass and Bosch BMP280 improved barometric pressure sensor.

InvenSense MPU-9250 is the company’s second generation 9-axis MotionTracking. It’s successor of MPU-9150. Bosch BMP280 is a better version of popular BMP180. It’s 63% smaller than BMP180. With lower noise, lower current consumption, higher resolution, additional SPI interface. New filter modes, etc. In simple terms - it’s way better!

Technical Specifications:

  • Model: GY-91
  • Sensor Chips: MPU-9250 + BMP280
  • Interface: I2C / SPI
  • Operating Voltage: 3.0V – 5.0V (on-board low dropout regulator)
  • Module size: 14.3mm x 20.5mm
  • Resolution: 16bit AD converter, 16-bit data output
  • Gyroscopes range: ± 250, 500, 1000, 2000 ° / s
  • Acceleration range: ± 2 ± 4 ± 8 ± 16g
  • Field range: ± 4800uT
  • Pressure range: 300-1100hPa


  • VIN - Voltage Supply
  • 3V3 - 3.3V Regulator output
  • GND - Ground
  • SCL - I2C Clock / SPI Clock
  • SDA - I2C Data or SPI Data Input
  • SDO/SAO - SPI Data output / I2C Slave Address configuration pin
  • NCS - Chip Select for SPI mode only for MPU-9250
  • CSB - Chip Select for BMP280

Software and libraries:
