Once, twice in month we will send You info about new products, products on sale and news from Arduino and DIY world.
Rainbow Case for RPi 2/3 Model B
4-channel relay module with optoisolation, 250VAC/10A
2-channel relay module with optoisolation, 250VAC/10A
1-channel relay module with optoisolation, 250VAC/10A
JST Right-Angle 2 Pin Connector.
Crazyflie 2.0 - Prototyping expansion board
10pin to 6 pin ISP adapter for AVR programming
Connect this sensor directly to computer (like Raspberry) without need to use microcontroller
Color ribbon cable 10x0.12
Pack of 5 4.7kΩ resistors
Temperature Compensation Sensor for the HR series of sensors
TSOP4838 IR Receiver, for 38kHz frequency
A convenient holder for three AA batteries, without cover
A convenient holder for three AA batteries, equipped with a on/off switch
DS1307 Tiny RTC For Arduino with battery backup option. On board 32K bit EEPROM module.
RTC & EEPROM Module DS3231 AT24C32
Gas Sensor MQ5 module is useful for gas leakage detecting in home and industry
Sensor Cable - Electrode Pads v3 for Muscle Sensor
Spare motor mount for the Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter.
Crazyflie 2.0 debug adapter kit
Crazyflie 2.0 - Spare 7x16 mm coreless DC motor with connector
Crazyflie 2.0 - LED-ring expansion board
Crystal 16 MHz, low profile
Small module with WiFi on board lets You connect Arduino to Internet. But theres a lot more! This tinny board can work as standalone microcontroller with WiFi connectivity and 9 GPIO!
PCB adapter with ESP8266 outputs in raster ready to use on breadboard.
Once, twice in month we will send You info about new products, products on sale and news from Arduino and DIY world.