ESP-8266-01 - simple, easy to setup WiFi connectivity for Arduino

Weight: Help
3 g

Small module with WiFi on board lets You connect Arduino to Internet. But theres a lot more! This tinny board can work as standalone microcontroller with WiFi connectivity and 2 GPIO!

On stock: Help 42

PLN 9,90
PLN 8,05 w/o VAT
EUR 2,36
EUR 1,92 w/o VAT

Due to mistake of our supplier we got some ESP01 modules without ‘s’. We don’t plan order them more.

ESP8266 - interesting platform for WiFi enabled projects

This small board can act as WiFi module for Arduino (or other µc - Teensy, Netduino, etc) or as standalone microcontroller. With RISC processor running at 80 MHz and with 512kB Flash You can do lot interesting projects. It has 2 GPIO pins to interact with other modules (OneWire).

ESP8266-01 technical details

  • 2 GPIO ports, each PWM capable
  • RISC processor 80MHz
  • power supply 3.3V
  • logic levels 3.3V

To program ESP You will need FTDI friend or USB/Serial converter. FTDI cable 3 V will work only if You provide other power source, FTDI cable, even 3V version has 5V at it’s power line.

Power supply During start and in some working modes ESP takes up to 220 mA of current. Not all USB/Serial converters will provide such current. In that case You will need some separate 3.3V source to power module. More on ESP8266 current consumption topic. TL;DR: module takes from 220 mA in 802.11b mode, through 130mA - 150 mA in n or g modes to single mA in power save modes.

What can I do with ESP8266-01?

This module works as WiFi gateway for other µcs, or as standalone node. Check this example (in polish) how we did connect DS18B20 temperature sensor to ESP8266, and it’s sending data to ThingSpeak: Nettigo::Blog

To program this module You can use LUA language, just upload nodeMCU firmware and You are ready to go :)

Module is great tool for application prototyping. ESP8266 chip has FCC certification, however not as this module (with PCB).

ESP8266 / ESP32 modules
Dev boards ESP8266 / ESP32
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