WiFi ESP07 module (ESP8266)

Weight: Help
3 g

Small module with WiFi on board lets You connect Arduino to Internet. But theres a lot more! This tinny board can work as standalone microcontroller with WiFi connectivity and 9 GPIO!

On stock: Help 30

PLN 14,90
PLN 12,11 w/o VAT
EUR 3,59
EUR 2,92 w/o VAT
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1 14,90
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10+ 12,00 % 13,11
25+ 16,00 % 12,51
100+ 20,00 % 11,92
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ESP8266 - interesting platform for WiFi enabled projects

This small board can act as WiFi module for Arduino (or other µc - Teensy, Netduino, etc) or as standalone microcontroller. With RISC processor running at 80 MHz and with 1 MB Flash You can do lot interesting projects. It has 9 GPIO pins to interact with other modules (OneWire, I2C, SPI).

ESP8266-12 technical details

  • 9 GPIO pins, all PWM compatible
  • RISC CPU 80MHz
  • analog input (ADC) measuring voltages from 0V to 1V
  • max power supply 3.3V
  • logic 3.3V
  • ceramic antenna and U.FL connector for external antenna
  • 1MB Flash

To program ESP You will need FTDI friend or USB/Serial converter. FTDI cable 3 V will work only if You provide other power source, FTDI cable, even 3V version has 5V at it’s power line.

W also carry adapter, which has all ESP GPIO in 2.54 raster - You can plug this adapter directly into breadboard or connect standard F-M cables.

Power supply During start and in some working modes ESP takes up to 220 mA of current. Not all USB/Serial converters will provide such current. In that case You will need some separate 3.3V source to power module. More on ESP8266 current consumption topic. TL;DR: module takes from 220 mA in 802.11b mode, through 130mA - 150 mA in n or g modes to single mA in power save modes.

What can I do with ESP8266-07?

This module works as WiFi gateway for other µcs, or as standalone node. Check this example (in polish) how we did connect DS18B20 temperature sensor to ESP8266-01, and it’s sending data to ThingSpeak: Nettigo::Blog

To program this module You can use LUA language, just upload nodeMCU firmware and You are ready to go :)

Module is great tool for application prototyping. ESP8266 chip has FCC certification, however not as this module (with PCB).

ESP8266 / ESP32 modules
Dev boards ESP8266 / ESP32
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ESP8266 Datasheet