WiFi and Bluetooth enabled dev board based on ESP32 - mounting holes

Weight: Help
10 g

WiFi and Bluetooth enabled dev board based on ESP32. 38 PIN, wider PCB with mounting holese.

On stock: Help 100

PLN 34,90
PLN 28,37 w/o VAT
EUR 8,41
EUR 6,84 w/o VAT
How many Discount Price per piece
with VAT, in PLN
1 34,90
5+ 8,00 % 32,10
10+ 12,00 % 30,71
25+ 16,00 % 29,31
100+ 20,00 % 27,92
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Module based on ESP-WROOM-32. It has microUSB connector for programming and power. 38 PINs with the same order like MOD-1320, however MOD-1907 is wider (28 mm vs 25 mm). It will cover whole breadboard, so You should use female jumper wires to connect to board. Wider board allowed for 4 mounting holes (M2).


  • PCB size: 28mm x 55 mm
  • power - microUSB connector (also for programming)
  • processor - ESP-WROOM-32


More info about ESP-WROOM-32 you will find on it’s product page, detailed pinout description You will find below:

ESP8266 / ESP32 modules
Dev boards ESP8266 / ESP32
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