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L293D breakout - small and handy module driving 2 DC motors (up to 0.6A continuously). Build Your robot with Arduino, Raspberry or other µc!
Kit requires soldering
This L293D breakout is minimal solution for driving small DC motors. Uses L293D (H-bridge) and has all inputs and outputs brought to screw terminals. Easy to connect, yet durable connections make easy to build Your own robot. One mounting hole (M3).
Size: 29 x 30 x 12 mm
In kit You will get:
After You have soldered it You can use basically any library with L293D support. For example DCMotorBot.
PWR - motor power Vcc - logic power M1 and M2 - DC motors output Inputs (1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, E1, E2)
Servo and motor drivers:
Mounting accessories:
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