SparkFun moto:bit

Weight: Help
33 g

Easy way to connect motors, servos and sensors to BBC micro:bit

Działa z BBC micro:bit V1 i V2

On stock: Help 6

PLN 65,90
PLN 53,58 w/o VAT
EUR 15,88
EUR 12,91 w/o VAT

Tags: microbit, BJ2155

The SparkFun moto:bit is a fully loaded “carrier” board for the micro:bit that, when combined with the micro:bit, provides you with a fully functional robotics platform. The moto:bit offers a simple, beginner-friendly robotics controller capable of operating a basic robotics chassis. Onboard each moto:bit are multiple I/O pins capable of hooking up servos, sensors and other circuits. At the flip of the switch you can get your micro:bit moving!

The moto:bit connects to the micro:bit via an edge connector at the top of the board, making setup easy. This creates a handy way to swap out micro:bits for programming, while still providing reliable connections to all of the different pins on the micro:bit. We have also included a basic barrel jack on the moto:bit that is capable of providing power to anything you connect to the carrier board.


  • Edge connector for easy use with the micro:bit
  • Full H-Bridge for control of two motors
  • Control servo motors
  • I2C port for extending functionality
  • Power and battery management onboard for the micro:bit


BBC micro:bit w naszej ofercie:

Płytki i zestawy BBC micro:bit:
Zestawy rozszerzeń i akcesoriów do micro:bit:
Rozszerzenia I/O (wejścia/wyjścia) do micro:bit:
Światło i dźwięk do micro:bit:
Robotyka do micro:bit:
Meteorologia do micro:bit:
Robot Kitronik :MOVE mini i jego rozszerzenia:
Obudowy do micro:bita:
Zasilanie micro:bita: