LCD Module 2x16 Characters Green/Black 1602A

Weight: Help
26 g

A basic LCD display module

On stock: Help 91

PLN 9,90
PLN 8,05 w/o VAT
EUR 2,39
EUR 1,94 w/o VAT
How many Discount Price per piece
with VAT, in PLN
1 9,90
5+ 8,00 % 9,11
10+ 12,00 % 8,71
25+ 16,00 % 8,31
100+ 20,00 % 7,92
Quantity discounts does not sum with other discounts

Tags: LCD, znakowy, 2x16, HD44780

LCD display module, 2x16 characters, controller complant with HD44780 (supported by Arduino LiquidCrystal library). It's the dame display as the one from 2x16 LCD Kit, but without the contrast pot and pin header connector.

Datasheet in Files section.

Wyświetlacze znakowe (interfejs równoległy):
Wyświetlacze LCD I2C / SPI:
Akcesoria i moduły:


WH1602B Datasheet