Ultrasonic range sensor HC-SR04

Weight: Help
10 g

Simple and cheap ultrasonic range sensor

On stock: Help 206

PLN 5,99
PLN 4,87 w/o VAT
EUR 1,44
EUR 1,17 w/o VAT
How many Discount Price per piece
with VAT, in PLN
1 5,99
5+ 10,00 % 5,39
10+ 15,00 % 5,09
25+ 20,00 % 4,80
100+ 30,00 % 4,19
Quantity discounts does not sum with other discounts

HC-SR04 is cheap and simple to use sensor working as range sensor. Despite having some shortcomings, being very cheap means You can use it almost any project. Budget won’t be limiting You.


  • Power supply: 5V (won’t work with 3.3V)
  • beam angle +- 15°;
  • range 2-357 cm, accuracy 1 cm
  • working frequnecy 40 kHz

This module works only with power supply at 5V. Mostly it works correctly with 3.3V logic trigger signal. We have also HC-SR04P - designed to work with power supply in 3.3-5V range.

If you need something to help mount this sensor, we recommend this plastic mounting bracket for HC-SR04 sensors.