Ultrasonic range sensor HC-SR04P

Weight: Help
8 g

Simple and cheap ultrasonic range sensor. Works with 3.3V logic levels (ESP8266)

On stock: Help 104

PLN 5,99
PLN 4,87 w/o VAT
EUR 1,44
EUR 1,17 w/o VAT
How many Discount Price per piece
with VAT, in PLN
1 5,99
5+ 10,00 % 5,39
10+ 15,00 % 5,09
25+ 20,00 % 4,80
100+ 30,00 % 4,19
Quantity discounts does not sum with other discounts

HC-SR04P is cheap and simple to use sensor working as range sensor. Since is cheap You can use it in almost every project, Your budget is not a limitation.


  • power supply 3.3 - 5V
  • beam angle ±15°
  • range 2-357 cm
  • working frequency: 40 kHz

If you need something to help mount this sensor, we recommend this plastic mounting bracket for HC-SR04 sensors.

This product is almost identical (visually) like HC-SR04, HC-SR04P (this product) works with power supply 3.3V and control signal (trigger) in 3.3V logic