Starter Kit for Arduino - extended

Weight: Help
326 g

All in one to get You started with Arduino

Product is retired

Replaced by: Nettigo Starter Kit for Arduino

Product has replacement: Nettigo Starter Kit for Arduino

All in one to get You started into world of electronics:

  • Arduino UNO R3 (or different depending on options You will select)
  • USB cable
  • Soldreless breadboard (830 points)
  • Jumper wires (65 pcs)
  • Basic sensors:
    • photocell - light sensor
    • MCP9700 - temperature sensor (analog)
    • DS18B20 - digital
    • ultasonic sensor HC-SR04
  • buzzer
  • I2C port expander (PCF8574P)
  • Shift register (74HC595)
  • 10 x red LED with resistors
  • 5 x 10k resistors
  • 5 x 2k2 resistors
  • RGB LED with resistors
  • 5 x pushbuttons
  • 2N2222 compatible NPN transistor
  • LCD Kit - 2x16 LCD ready to use on breadboard and I2C LCD converter
  • small DC motor and L293 control chip
  • 7-seg 1 digit display
  • small servo

Check examples of circuits on our blog.

This is not an official Starter Kit from Arduino Team, this Starter Kit is perpared by Nettigo.