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Bearings for MakerBeam system - with them You can create movable carts on MakerBeam frame
On stock:
Movement suddenly becomes an option when you add bearings. MakerBeam.eu offers you a small pack with 10 bearings, 10 M3 12mm bolts, 10 M3 nuts and 10 M3 self locking nuts. We think this will greatly benefit any project you have in mind.
The bearing is 5mm thick. The outside dimension of the bearing is 13mm. The iinside diameter measures 3mm. If you fit it to a beam it will extend about 1,5mm from the edge of the beam. The 3mm inner diameter makes is easy to mount on a M3 bolt.
The size of the bearings makes them NOT really suited for OpenBeam. The bolts that come with the bearings do NOT match OpenBeam.
Zestawy i narzędzia MakerBeam:
Belki systemu MakerBeam 10x10mm:
Belki systemu MakerBeam XL 15x15mm:
Łączniki ze stali nierdzewnej / aluminiowe narożne:
Systemy ruchu liniowego:
Akcesoria MakerBeam:
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