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On stock:
Always wanted to purchase just a few beams to test to see whether it fits your project? Now you can. We offer a sample bag with a hex nut driver, a few beams and the most essential fasteners (regular brackets and corner cube). Buy and try.
Bag contains a coupon code for 10% discount, a hex nut driver (100461), beams black 40 and 60mm (100056, 100067) and clear 100mm (100168), 1 corner cube black (100988), 1 T-slot nut (101619), 1 right angle bracket (100326), 1 60 degree bracket (100292), 10 square headed screws (100359), 10 nuts (100416), 1 vinyl end cap (100483)
Once, twice in month we will send You info about new products, products on sale and news from Arduino and DIY world.