LCD TFT 3.5" ILI9488 with touch

Weight: Help
54 g

LCD touch screen controlled by the SPI bus. Built-in SD card slot. Screen with a resolution of 480x320px.

On stock: Help 37

PLN 74,00
PLN 60,16 w/o VAT
EUR 17,83
EUR 14,50 w/o VAT
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Tags: LCD, TFT, ILI9488

Three and a half inches of liquid crystal goodness :)

Large TFT LCD display based on the ILI9488 controller. Compared to the popular 2.4” model the active area of the screen is practically twice. As well as the resolution.

Communication with the screen takes place via the SPI interface. This is a big advantage compared to the parallel interface. For communication you need fewer pins of the microcontroller, which, as you know, we never have too many. There is also an SD card slot on the bottom of the display.

From an engineer’s perspective

  • The display has a built-in voltage regulator, so it can be powered with 5V. If you intend to connect it directly to 3.3V, solder the jumper J1, thanks to which the voltage regulator U1 (XC6206) will be bypassed.
  • The display works in 3.3V logic, so using it with 5V systems (like Arduino UNO) will require the use of a logic level converter.
  • The screen backlight is controlled by the Q1 transistor (S8050), so a PWM signal can be used to control the brightness of the backlight.
  • The order of the outputs is the same as in the 2.4” model. Putting this screen, in the old project, would require some changes in libraries (from ILI9341 to ILI9488). In some libraries like TFT_eSPI for ESP8266, it is enough to change from-DILI9341_DRIVER to -DILI9488_DRIVER.


  • Type: LCD TFT
  • Model: MSP3520
  • Display driver: ILI9488
  • Touch driver: XPT2046
  • Resolution: 480x320 px
  • Active area: 48.96 x 73.44mm
  • Module PCB size: 56.34 x 98.0 mm
  • Work temperature: from -20°C to 60°C
  • Storage temperature: from -30°C to 70°C
  • Supply voltage: from 3.3V to 5V
  • IO Logic Level: 3.3V

