3V Inverter for El Wire

Weight: Help
24 g

Inverter for ElWire - input voltage 3V

On stock: Help 6

PLN 49,00
PLN 39,84 w/o VAT
EUR 11,81
EUR 9,60 w/o VAT

Drive El Wire from battery - you needn't exactly 3V voltage, it works form 2.7V to 4.2V. On its output you get 110VAC voltage to drive electroluminescent wires. 12V inverter is also available.

The inverter output is terminated with JST connector fitting to El Escudo.

According to SparkFun, this inverter is able to drive two wires with 3m length or three 3m wires, but you will able to see them glowing only in total darkness.

Product page on SparkFun

<a href="http://nettigo.eu/products/tagged/elwire>El Wire products</a> in our offer.

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