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Integrated ESP-WROOM-02 (ESP8266 with 2MB) with 18650 accumulator holder + support circuits. Complete solution.
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When You want to run some off-grid ESP8266 based sensor this board solves all basic needs in that direction. It is built with ESP-WROOM-02, ESP8266 based module with 2 MB Flash and onboard PCB antenna (2 dBi). It has holder for 18650 accu and all needed support circuit. USB (micro USB) port and USB/Serial converter makes programming simple. All IO brought to single connector in 2.54mm raster.
Board has 3 LEDs. First, blue is user controlled by GPIO16. Green indicates battery being full loaded and red indicates charging process.
Next to connector with IO you have on/off switch - another very useful feature. Support circuit provides both 3.3V and 5V when run from accu (however you hear step up converter when working).
Attention On board back, next to accu holder you have markings on PCB showing correct accu polarity. Placing it in reverse will destroy charging chip!
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