Teensy 2.0 AVR ATmega32u4 16MHz [PJRC TEENSY]

Weight: Help
9 g

Development board Teensy 2.0 - ATmega32u4, small footprint (1.2” x 0.7)

Product is retired

Development board with mini USB connector (matching cable). ATmega32u4 (AVR) on board, with 16 MHz clock. 25 I/O lines in total. 12 could work as analog inputs, and 7 works as outputs with PWM (some I/O lines can work in many modes).

You can program it with Arduino IDE or directly in C/C++.

Small footprint (1.2” x 0.7”) makes it ideal solution when You need small dev board. ATMega32u4 has native USB support, thus despite small footprint You can connect it directly to computer. With other dev boards (like Arduino Pro Mini) You need additional USB/Serial converter.