PCB for WiFi Enabled 2.4" Touch Screen with SD Card Reader

Weight: Help
10 g

Simple PCB for connecting Wemos D1 mini with touch enabled LCD.

On stock: Help 44

PLN 9,90
PLN 8,05 w/o VAT
EUR 2,30
EUR 1,87 w/o VAT

Tags: Wemos, WD1M, LCD, PSIIC, Qwiic

Simple yet powerfull!

This board provides solid connection between Wemos D1 mini (ESP8266) and 2.4” TFT ILI9341 XPT2046 SPI Display (TJCTM24024-SPI). The main goal is to build cheap wi-fi enabled display with touch interface for use in various IoT projects. Display communicates with ESP8266 via SPI (display, touch and SD card reader). Displays interrupt is connected do D0 pin allowing for waking up ESP8266 from Deep Sleep state.

LCD LED backlight may be driven via P-Channel MOSFET via D3 pin (high side transistor switch). Out of the box backlight is connected to 3V3. In order to drive backlight you need to cut J1 jumper and populate Q1 MOSFET (FDV304P) and R1 restistor (10k).

Additional header may be used as general purpose UART, I2C, One Wire or Analog In. Pin order allow to directly solder BME280 module. Also we put I2C connector in Nettigo PSIIC form factor (compatible with SparkFun Qwiic & Adafruit STEMMA QT).


Current version

  • Standard ESP8266 SPI interface:
    • SCK - D5
    • MISO - D6
    • MOSI - D7
  • LCD Chip Select - D8
  • LCD D/C - D1
  • LCD Reset - RST
  • LCD Backlight (via MOSFET) - D3
  • Touch Chip Select - D2
  • Touch IRQ - D0
  • SD Card Reader Chip Select - D4
  • I2C SCL / UART RX - RX
