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Small LCD display on ILI9163 driver with SPI interface and SD card slot. 128x160 px.
Display | Arduino |
LED | 3.3V |
SCK | SCK (D13) |
SDA | MOSI (D11) |
A0 | D9 |
CS | D10 |
VCC | 5V |
Recommended Arduino library for TFT_ILI9163.
After installation change following file _settings/TFT_ILI9163C_settings.h. Uncomment line with:
for 1.44” display__18_NETTIGO__
for 1.8” displayWe carry also 1.44” version - w/o SD card reader, also based on ILI9163.
Once, twice in month we will send You info about new products, products on sale and news from Arduino and DIY world.