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GSM Shield with SMA connector

Weight: Help
62 g

GSM Shield with SMA connector, SIM card included with roaming plan from BlueVia. Activate, pre-pay and You can send/receive SMS with other Arduino

Product is retired
Tags: arduino, GSM, GPRS, SMA

GSM Shield with SMA connector as for now (Jul 2013) does not work with Arduino Due, other Arduinos are OK, check notes linked below.

Shield is based on 4 band M10 modem from Quectel.

With shield BlueVia SIM card is included. Just activate it, prepay and You can send/receive SMS with other Arduino shield with BlueVia SIM. Shield works with any valid SIM, there is no lock to use BlueVia, it fully optional.



M10 Modem Datasheet