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Small but practice. Module for remotely control RGB LED (WS2812 family) using ESP01
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WiFi became very popular for home IoT solutions. There are plenty, cheap modules. However if You are building IoT network in your home consider to use for that separate WiFi SSID and even second AP. Keeping separated IoT devices from normal ones may have good impact on WiFi performance. ESP8266 end similar cheap modules uses older WiFi transmission standards. If You mix them in single network with modern devices, the latter may have to slow down to match older standards.
Having said that, I’d like to show you another module using ESP01s. This time it is module for driving RGB LED (from WS2812 family).
Module has on board voltage regulator and as such could use higher power voltage, however input power pin is directly connected to power pin in RGB module connector. Using higher voltage than 5V is only possible if Your LED module/strip can handle it.
Attention WS28xx family has many different modules. WS2812 LED may not work properly with this product. According to specs, WS2812 (no suffix) needs driving signal from 3.3V to 5V. 3.3 is nominal ESP01 logic level, but in case it will be a bit below 3.3V WS2812 may not be driven correctly.
Make sure you use WS2812B, WS2813 or other RGB LED family, which will work with control signal 3.3V
ESP01 has to be purchased separately.
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