Triple-axis accelerometer BMA180

Weight: Help
2 g

Breakout board for triple-axis Bosch BMA180 accelerometer

Product is retired

This is a breakout board for Bosch BMA180 - triple-axis accelerometer. It has digital interface (4-pin SPI od 2-pin I2C) and 14-bit output signal resolution. Measurement range can be set to +- 1g, 1.5g, 2g, 3g, 4g, 8g lub 16g.

What is the difference between it and the other one offered by us until now? The older one is a simple, analog accelerometer, so it's also simpler to use for beginners (you just have to measure voltage value). BMA180 has much more capabilities and better parametrers, however, it's also more difficult to handle (over I2C or SPI).

BMA180 specifications:

  • measurement ranges: +- 1g, 1.5g, 2g, 3g, 4g, 8g lub 16g
  • 12- or 14-bit internal DACs
  • 2 selectable I2C addresses for minimizing address collision risk
  • self test capability
  • sleep mode
  • internal interrupts:
    • wake up
    • low-g detection
    • high-g detection
    • slope detection (interrupt after any movement)
    • tap sensing (interrupt after two subsequent slope detections in a short time)
  • 2 operation modes - low noise or low power


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