Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Basic set + power supply + microSD + case

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174 g

Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Basic set- perfect for everyone who starts their journey with RPi. Includes Rasbperry Pi 3, 2A power supply, case and microSD card (class 10)

Product is retired

With Raspberry 3B+

Starting from May 2019 we sell this set with Raspberry Pi 3B+.

If your a beginner that starts with RPi this set is for you. We thought that our set can help you to learn the system and software, that’s why enclousure is without cut outs for GPIO.

What can I do with it?

In each set user will have microSD card with Raspbian. After powering on the RPi you’ll have small computer that works under linux system.

What’s included:

Before you buy this set it’s worth thinking how you’ll connect your RPi to net. If you have spare Ethernet port you can use Ethernet cable, but remember RPi 3 has WiFi builtin.

Another thing is that for using RPi you don’t need to use display but as a beginner you’ll find out that it’s better and quicker to use a TV or other display. That’s why you should buy HDMI cable.

On our Academy you can find article about configuring Raspberry Pi and WiFi.

For your RPi you can also buy:

  • HDMI cable length 1.5m, perfect for connecting to your TV or other display

On our Academy you can found tutorials that can help you working with RPi. Unfortunately at this moment Academy is only in Polish so you’ll need to use translator.