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All you need to create your own media center.
Rasbperry Pi B version 2 thanks to more powerful CPU is ideal to create media center.
We’ve prepared this set, so you don’t need to buy anything more to start your adventure with media center.
## IR remote
If you have spare IR remote you can use it to control your media center. Add to basket IR receiver set and your almost ready to go. How to connect and configure your OpenElec can be found on Nettigo Academy(You’ll need to use translator).
Now it’s possible to control your media center using old mobile phone or tablet. For more information how to do this check our Academy
Is it possible to record television? Yes, thanks to DVB-T tuner you can watch and record your favourite movies. Step by step manual can be found on Academy.
All articles about media center on Academy(Requires translator)
2A power supply allows you to connect external USB HDD without additional power supply. Now you can storage your movie collection on bigger space. We have concluded test with 1TB Canvio (Toshiba) HDD with a success.
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