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From Feb 10th to Feb 14th we are closed: read more

From Feb 10th to Feb 14th we are closed: read more

NRF Raspberry Hat v02

Weight: Help
9 g

NRF Hat - NRF24L01 with Raspberry Pi without cables!

Product is retired

Replaced by: NRF Raspberry Hat v02 kit

Product has replacement: NRF Raspberry Hat v02 kit

Get rid of the cables while connecting NRF to your RPi

NRF Hat was designed to simplifie communication with wireless sensor - tinyBrd. Thank’s to this board you can easily connect NRF24L01+ to your Raspberry Pi.

With this NRF Hat you can build wireless alarm or weather station or even a home automation system.


NRF is connected to SPI with Chip Select 0 (CE0). NRF CE pin is connected to Raspberry’s GPIO 22. NRF IRQ pin is not connected.

What’s included?

NRF Hat is soldered and tested and ready to connect to GPIO. You only need to have NRF modem or you can buy one here

If you want to use it with enclousure it fits to RPi Tin - ie. black. Due to height of the board you can’t use it with enclousure that has small cutouts for GPIO . If you use it you won’t be able to fully close the lid of the case.

Due to connector size board is to be used with RPi 2 and B+, not older models.