I2C splitter, PCB

Weight: Help
1 g

I2C splitter, PCB

On stock: Help 325

PLN 0,80
PLN 0,65 w/o VAT
EUR 0,20
EUR 0,16 w/o VAT
How many Discount Price per piece
with VAT, in PLN
1 0,80
5+ 25,00 % 0,60
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Small PCB (25.5 x 13 mm) with I2C bus splitted. Solder goldpins or female socket and it will split I2C signal. Provide SDA/SCL and GND plus power supply (3.3V and 5V rails) and connect 4 other I2C devices to micro controller.

This PCB is result of our frustration when we want to connect few sensors on I2C bus, but our prototype does not use breadboard. Such a splitter is in very handy in such circumstances.


  • PCB with place for 5 signals (SDA, SCL, GND, 3.3V and 5V)
  • PCB size - 25.5 mm x 13 mm
  • one mounting hole (M3)