Bluefruit EZ-Key - Kontroler klawiatury HID, 12 wejść

Weight: Help
8 g

Wireless bluetooth keyboard module with 12 inputs.

Product is retired

Create your own wireless Bluetooth keyboard controller in an hour with the Bluefruit EZ-Key: it’s the fastest, easiest and bestest Bluetooth controller.

This breakout acts just like a BT keyboard, and works great with any BT-capable device: Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android. Power the module with 3-16VDC, and pair it to the computer, tablet or phone just as you would any other BT device. Now you can connect buttons from the 12 input pins, when a button is pressed, it sends a keypress to the computer. We pre-program the module to send the 4 arrow keys, return, space, ‘w’, ‘a’, ‘s’, ‘d’, ‘1’ and ‘2’ by default. Advanced users can reprogram the module’s keys using an FTDI or other Serial console cable, for any HID key report they desire.

You can pair multiple Bluefruit’s to a single device, each one has a unique identifier.

If you want to have better control over the data sent, connect a microcontroller to the RX pin at 3-5V logic level, 9600 baud, and send ASCII data: it will be ‘typed out’ character by character.

Warning! Your computer/tablet/phone must have Bluetooth v2.1 or higher.

Tutorial about connecting and using EZ-keys can be found on

Product website on Adafruit ID:1535