Adapter I2C/SPI for alphanumeric LCD

Weight: Help
9 g

A small adapter allowing to connect a LCD module through I2C or SPI.

Product is retired

Replaced by: I2C adapter for LCD HD44780 displays

Product has replacement: I2C adapter for LCD HD44780 displays
Tags: spi, i2c, LCD

Alphanumeric LCD modules are easy to pair with Arduino, but even in 4-bit mode they use too many valuable digital I/O pins. The solution could be connecting it with I2C or SPI protocol using an adapter (2 analog inputs for I2C or 4 digital for SPI).

Of course the standard LiquidCrystal library won't work with this adapter, so you have to use a modified by Adafruit version (available on GitHub).

About I2C/SPI adapter: