PCB adapter for CO2 sensors

Weight: Help
3 g

Small PCB, adapter for CO2 sensors.

On stock: Help 69

PLN 7,00
PLN 5,69 w/o VAT
EUR 1,69
EUR 1,37 w/o VAT

This small PCB is adapter for CO2 sensor. MTP40-F has very short pins - even they are in standard 2.54 mm raster, You can not use with them standard F-F cables nor sockets.

This PCB allows to solder MTP40-F and have access to power and UART pins. But main purpose for this board is MH-Z1311A Winsen CO2 sensor. This new sensor has identical pin layout, so PCB will work for both sensors (MTP40-F in UART mode only).

With this adapter You can easily connect MH-Z1311A to NAM, since at basic level MH-Z1311A has common communication protocol with MH-Z14A, CO2 sensor already supported by NAM firmware.


  • PCB size: 42 x 22 mm
  • Mounting hole: M3