Breadboard trim potentiometer 10k, linear

Weight: Help
1 g

Breadboard trim potentiometer 10k, linear

On stock: Help 24

PLN 1,50
PLN 1,22 w/o VAT
EUR 0,36
EUR 0,29 w/o VAT
How many Discount Price per piece
with VAT, in PLN
1 1,50
5+ 5,00 % 1,43
10+ 8,00 % 1,38
25+ 11,00 % 1,34
Quantity discounts does not sum with other discounts

Tags: potencjometr

Breadboard trim potentiometer much smaller than panel potentiometer.

Rotation angle 220°, 10kΩ resistance, power (at 50°C) 0.15W.

It matches breadboard well, however we recommend to twist connectors by 90° if You plan to use it with breadboard. Without that breadboard may not keep jumper wires in places where potentiometer was for a long time. Last picture shows twisted connectors (it can be done with any flat pliers, like these in pliers set)